Phil Schneider ’ s disclosures are legitimate WARNINGS to the public !
[ Phil Schneider is NOT disinformation . Donald Marshall later corroborates Phil Schneider in Donald Marshall ’ s video interviews , whereby Donald Marshall tells the audience “ Phil Schneider was correct about the grey things [ aliens ]”... as well as the scaly [ reptilian ] creatures , although Phil Schneider called them something else [ Phil Schneider called them “ Long necked greys ”]... Therefore Phil Schneider was legitimately trying his best to warn the public with his information ...]
The Illuminati REM driven clones have made contact with outer-space aliens
[ Moreover , the Illuminati have made contact and met with the outer-space aliens ( as REM driven clone versions of themselves ). In fact , we later learn , through Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , that these outer-space aliens detailed by Donald Marshall have been living here on earth for thousands of years ; however , these days the outer-space aliens stay out of sight , in the background , and frequent the cloning centers / live in underground cities , underneath the surface of the earth . That is one of the great deceptions : much of humanity has been exploring the skies , hoping to find aliens , when the outer-space aliens have been here all along , and have been living beneath their very feet , under the surface of the earth .]
The outer-space aliens are living underground right beneath your very feet !
[ There is [ some ] truth to the narrative by the Ancient Sumerians and Ancient Babylonians , who claim to have been visited by ‘ gods in “ Chariots of fire ”’. According to Donald Marshall , as we learn more about his experiences as an unwilling participant , trapped as a REM driven clone version of himself in the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , we discover from Donald Marshall , from 2014 onwards ( and this information will be detailed fully in future documents ) that these so-called ‘ gods ’ of Ancient Sumer , and Ancient Babylon are nothing more than outer-space aliens , who are extremely advanced in their technological capabilities ... The technological capabilities of the outer-space aliens dwarf the technological capabilities of humanity , as well as , the technological capabilities of the Illuminati largely in comparison . Therefore when the outer-space aliens came to earth , because of the ego-needs of the outer-space aliens , the outer-space aliens deceived primitive humans by claiming to be ‘ gods ’ worthy of worship , when in reality and practicality , the outer-space aliens have in their possessions , extremely highly advanced technologies , and the ownership of such extremely highly advanced technologies , afforded the outer-space aliens the capacity to convince primitive humans that they were gods ... when in fact they are not gods , but rather , highly advanced technological aliens . Furthermore , most if not all of these outer-space aliens , currently here on earth , and living in underground cities , as well as , living in Deep Underground Military Bases ( DUMBs ), and frequenting the cloning ce nters are decrepit and perverse and are certainly not gods or indeed worthy of any worship .]
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