May 21 st 2012 Organisations hindering the progress of Donald Marshall ’ s Mission God Like Productions
3SG1 posted the following comment about how God Like Production ( GLP ) has banned and removed any content which mentions Donald Marshall ’ s name or any content linked to Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures . [ In short : God Like Productions is Illuminati controlled , and this is a reason why Donald Marshall or content which is linked to Donald Marshall and his disclosures does NOT feature on God Like Productions ].
3SG1 : I first read about you [ Donald Marshall and the situation regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] on a “ God Like Productions ” ( GLP ) thread that I thought was interesting . However , after a few days passed , the thread which mentioned you [ and the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ] disappeared . As a result of this , I thought ‘ Hmm , let me experiment here ’ ( not that I believe you or not , in regards to your situation and the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , however , I am tuned into your information ), and I tried to start another thread with your open letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) to the world about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , on God Like Productions ; I had the words from your letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) copied from somewhere else and I pasted it to a new thread on God Like Productions .
The new thread I created containing your letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) was deleted within a few minutes after . I found this confusing , and as a result I started a few more threads asking why my original thread which contained Donald Marshall ’ s open letter to the public ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) was deleted . These threads , where I was enquiring about why my threads are being deleted were also deleted . Shortly after all the content I had posted on God Like Productions was deleted , I was banned from the website God Like Productions . I then logged out of God Like Productions , and tried typing your name “ Donald Marshall ” in their search pane , and I realised everything containing your name was deleted too . It is as if God Like Productions has banned your name , and everything else related to you [ Donald Marshall ], and this added to my suspense . I wonder if another person reading Donald Marshall ’ s information can go on the website God Like Productions and try and start a thread about Donald Marshall and see if a similar situation happens to them ?
3SG2 : God Like Productions is [ Illuminati ] controlled . This is why God Like Productions are continually banning IP addresses .
3SG1 : I know God Like Productions is Illuminati controlled ; however , do you know how many “ nutter [ crazy ] stories ” are posted on God Like Productions every day ? There are even similar things posted on God Like Productions to what Don is disclosing [ regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]. I wonder if other people will get banned from God Like Productions for mentioning Donald ’ s name on their website or have their threads deleted for posting anything which relates to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
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