Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 4 | Page 8

Experiences from the Cloning Centre
April 5 th 2012 A menagerie of torture exerted on Donald Marshall ’ s REM driven clones
DM : More torture ...
It has been a menagerie of different things at the cloning center . The REM driven clones of people sitting in the stands at the cloning center get bored of random people just punching and kicking my REM driven clones around , so the Illuminati mix up the torture of my REM driven clones by shooting arrows at my REM driven clone ; throwing different stuff at my REM driven clone ; then talking down to me as a REM driven clone at the cloning center ; then they start threatening that if I don ’ t stop talking about the Illuminati and disclosing all their nefarious deeds and secrets , I ' ll be tortured as a REM driven clone ( when I reach REM sleep , and they activate my REM driven clone through the process of consciousness transfer ) and possibly killed in my original body if I don ' t stop disclosing all the evil they wield against humanity . NEW development : whatever the Illuminati are doing to my REM driven clone at the cloning center is making me have the warning signs for a stroke in my original body during my waking hours . With the exception of my heart I ' m very healthy . However , I have been having these episodes of low blood sugar feeling attacks in my original body as a result of the torture carried out on my REM driven clones when I go to sleep . It is affecting my original body ; even my hearing becomes 90 % muffled in my original body ; I then lay on the floor on in my original body until the muffled hearing passes ... The Illuminati are growing more confident again because there isn ' t a public panic yet and therefore they are turning up the heat on my REM driven clones at the cloning center by torturing my REM driven clones more and more at the cloning center ( s ). I do not know what to do in order to speed up the shutdown of the cloning centers and stop the Illuminati from continuing to torture my REM driven clones when I go to sleep . April 10 , 2012 at 2:28pm
April 10 th 2012 Donald Marshall ’ s health gets worse because of REM driven clone torture
DM : My health is getting worse . Members of the Illuminati are getting more confident and turning up the heat on me on my REM driven clones at the cloning center . The Illuminati members think my efforts will fizzle into nothing . Also , whatever they are doing to me from the cloning center is giving me the warning signs for a stroke , in my original body , during my waking hours ( in real life ) and I ’ m only 36 . It is almost like a low blood sugar attack ... It is not good . I have got to lie on the floor until these feelings ( of low blood sugar attacks ) pass . These feelings of low blood sugar attacks are directly because of the Illuminati and whatever they are doing from the cloning center to me . The Illuminati told me this directly ( as REM driven clones at the cloning center ). I hope I do not have a stroke . My disclosures are hard enough for people to come to terms with , and it will be less accepted if I am drooling and asking for pancakes ... I do not know what to do ... but keep mailing and spreading my whistle blowing disclosures , documents and testimonies and try and save my life ...
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