Therefore look to the law if you must ( Public Interest Disclosure Act ( PIDA ) 1998 section 43B ; Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act ( ERRA ) 2013 section 17 ; The Serious Crime Act 2015 section 41 3ZA , Computer Misuse Act ( 1990 ) Section 3A ), in order to understand that Mr . Donald Marshall IS providing accurate and detailed factual information regarding his REM driven cloning experiences , otherwise Mr . Donald Marshall would have been fined or imprisoned many years ago for either : slandering names , ( possibly ) inciting a public panic and using a computer to do so .
Once you have finished reading this document , if Mr . Donald Marshall ’ s dilemma resonates with you ; then SHARE this document as far and as wide as you can , and inform as many people as you can . This is the action ( sharing Mr . Marshall ’ s documents ) which must first take place to free Mr . Marshall from his plight of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture : a large percent of the population must first know about Mr Marshall ’ s dilemma , and FEEL COMPELLED to help Mr . Marshall escape his dilemma , because knowing about Mr . Marshall ’ s predicament and choosing to be inactive , is simply inadequate given seriousness of Mr . Marshall ’ s plight . You must also FEEL COMPELLED to SHARE Mr . Marshall ’ s disclosures so that Mr . Marshall ’ s situation concerning the Illuminati and REM driven cloning is known on a large scale publicly . Once Mr Marshall ’ s dilemma is known publicly by a large percent of the population , this is when a large percentage of the populace can take further action by rallying and demanding independent polygraph tests for individuals involved with the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture . The independent polygraph results of individuals involved with REM driven cloning will further illustrate and CLEARLY demonstrate , the reality of REM driven cloning .
Mr . Marshall needs the help of one million active and brave people , to join , read and subscribe to his Facebook account , so that when Mr . Marshall has one million active and brave people , Mr . Marshall will have a large percentage of the population who CLEARLY understand Mr . Marshall ’ s dilemma concerning REM driven cloning and more . When such a milestone is reached , this is when a large percent of the population can protest and demand that Illuminati members submit to independent polygraph tests for their involvement with REM driven cloning . Mr . Marshall currently has over 12,000 people who bravely and openly subscribe to Mr . Marshall ’ s Facebook account , although the real figure concerning people who know of Mr . Marshall ’ s dilemma is likely to be in the tens of millions . It is Mr . Marshall and his Facebook friends ’ plea , that IF : Mr . Marshall ’ s eyewitness accounts resonates with you and you LEGITIMATELY FEEL COMPELLED to help , that you take the required action by SHARING Mr . Marshall ’ s disclosure documents as far and as wide as possible , and show support for Mr . Marshall by subscribing to Mr . Marshall ’ s Facebook account . Let ’ s work together and free Mr . Donald Marshall and others , from the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning grip , as soon as possible . Read / Print / Download / Share .
List of Abbreviations :
3SG1 : = Third person singular ( first respondent , etc .) DM : = Donald Marshall
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