Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 4 | Page 9

April 12 th 2012 Kristen Bell tries to entice Donald Marshall to willingly attend the cloning centers
DM : Last night an actress named Kristen Bell was present at the cloning center as a REM driven clone of herself to talk and bother me ( as REM driven clones ). Kristen Bell as a REM driven clone of herself , was trying to entice me to stay willingly with the Illuminati ( and attend the cloning centers willingly ) and continue to make the odd song for the Illuminati as a REM driven clone from the cloning center . As a REM driven clone , I said “ No .” Kristen Bell as a REM driven clone then screamed at me as a REM driven clone , as we were surrounded by 400 REM driven clones all sitting in the stands , all watching like it is some kind of idiot theatre . This ( American actress ) Kristen Bell is having a very hard time getting famous she says ( as a REM driven clone at the cloning center ). People cannot remember her name she says ( as REM driven clone at the cloning center ). I asked her as REM driven clones “ Why the hell is she telling me ?!” Kristen Bell ’ s motive was just to be seen by the celebrities , rich and political people who were sitting in the stands as REM driven clones , and have herself seen and heard at the cloning center , like most ( who seek attention at the cloning center ) there do . The Illuminati are not giving up yet . They are STILL transferring my consciousness from my original body ( when I go to sleep and enter REM sleep ) to my REM driven clone against my will , and activating me at the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of me with no signs of stopping . The Illuminati REM driven clones told me they would stop transferring my consciousness and activating REM driven clones of me at the cloning center , but they lied . My only hope of freedom and survival is world knowledge of REM driven cloning and the cloning centers . Help me my friends . I ’ ll remember everyone that helped me in the end ( when the cloning centers are shut down and the Illuminati are crushed ).
OH listen : a couple of months ago while at the cloning center as a REM driven clone , the Illuminati members made me make a song while my REM driven clone was drugged . It is a new song out now : “ on the other side of a street I knew , stood a girl that looked like you ” ( Called “ Drive by ” performed by “ Train ” ( TrainVEVO 2012 )... but you will like this : originally the words were “ ON THE UPSIDE OF A DOWNWARD SPIRAL ... MY DOCUMENT WENT VIRAL !” The Illuminati made me change that part of the song ( as a REM driven clone , at the cloning center ) to “ My love for you went viral ...” – and then the Illuminati members got mad because they said it sounds like the song is now talking about an STD [ Sexually transmitted disease ]... The Illuminati fear the letter though guys ... and every time someone new reads the letter ( Donald Marshall Proboards 2012a ) as well as my other disclosure documents : ( Marshall 2015a ; Marshall 2015b ; Marshall 2016a etc .) I become one step closer to salvation . Continue to spread the truth guys . This will work . It HAS to . April 12 , 2012 at 6:38pm
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