Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 60

4.16 COLOUR SUB-BRAND COLOURS MEDICLINIC BABY Please refer to the specifications listed here when reproducing the Mediclinic baby logo. The same colours are used for sub-headings in Mediclinic Baby communications. For printed communications, where Pantone® colours are not used, please use the correct CMYK breakdown. PANTONE® CMYK RGB HTML MEDICLINIC BLUE Pantone® 640 C100 M10 Y5 K0 R0 G148 B212 #0094D4 PINK Pantone® 213 C0 M95 Y20 K0 R230 G23 B114 #E61772 MEDICLINIC ORANGE Pantone® 137 C0 M41 Y100 K0 R247 G163 B0 #F7A300 GREEN Pantone® 362 C75 M0 Y75 K0 R43 G172 B101 #2BAC65 MEDICLINIC SENIOR Mediclinic Senior communications use the same colours as other Mediclinic materials. However Mediclinic Orange is used in the logo, and for sub-headings. MEDICLINIC PRIVÉ Mediclinic Privé communications use Mediclinic Grey 4 as a differentiating colour for front covers and other backgrounds. Headlines can be set in white, or embossed on the Mediclinic Grey 4 background. Mediclinic Dark Blue is not used on Mediclinic Privé communications. Mediclinic Baby logo and sub-heading colour palette Please do not use the pink or green colours for any Mediclinic communications, except for Mediclinic Baby. MEDICLINIC PROFESSIONAL Mediclinic Professional communications use the same colours as other Mediclinic materials. Please note: Mediclinic sub-brand logos are shown in the logo section on pages 3.29 to 3.32. Please refer to section 14: ‘Sub-brand Communications’ for examples of sub-brand applications. The colours shown throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE® Colour Standards. Consult current PANTONE® Publications for accurate colour. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc. The PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® is a worldwide printing, publishing and packaging colour language for the selection, marketing and control of colour. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | COLOUR CONTENTS