Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 59

4.15 COLOUR SPECIFICATIONS FOR ON-SCREEN Please refer to the specifications listed on this page when reproducing any of our colours for on-screen communications. RGB HTML MEDICLINIC BLUE R0 G148 B212 #0094D4 MEDICLINIC SCREEN GREY 1 R114 G102 B91 #72665B There is an extra grey, Mediclinic Screen Dark Grey, for optional on-screen use only. MEDICLINIC SCREEN GREY 2 R147 G136 B128 #938880 COLOUR VALUES FOR PRINT MEDICLINIC SCREEN GREY 3 R182 G173 B165 #B6ADA5 MEDICLINIC SCREEN GREY 4 R208 G202 B198 #D0CAC6 MEDICLINIC SCREEN GREY 5 R226 G223 B219 #E2DFDB MEDICLINIC SCREEN DARK GREY R83 G76 B70 #534C46 MEDICLINIC DARK BLUE R0 G63 B114 #003F72 MEDICLINIC ORANGE R247 G163 B0 #F7A300 SCREEN GREYS The greys used on-screen are not direct equivalents to the greys used for print. They are modified for on-screen use. For print colour values please refer to page 4.14. COLOUR VALUES FOR SIGNAGE For RAL colour values please refer to our signage guidelines. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | COLOUR CONTENTS