Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 54

4.10 COLOUR MIS-USE OF MEDICLINIC BLUE INTERNATIONAL WORLD-CLASS HEALTHCARE FROM THE FIRST TRULY GLOBAL HOSPITAL GROUP INTERNATIONAL WORLD-CLASS WORLD-CLASS HEALTHCARE Praesent HEALTHCARE non risus purus, OUTSIDE FROM THE FIRST vel rutrumRIGHT nisl. DOOR YOUR TRULY GLOBAL HOSPITAL GROUP • Quisque sagittis malesuada Pie chart title line 22% MEDICLINIC’S DOCTORS AT OVER 73 HOSPITALS AND CLINICS AROUND THE WORLD COLLABORATE TO IMPROVE PRIMARY MEDICAL CARE. justo, hendrerit egestas eros vehicula sit amet. WE PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE LARGEST COMMUNITY OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS THROUGH OUR 73 HOSPITALS ACROSS THREE CONTINENTS • Suspendisse vitae lorem id turpis convallis vulputate. • Vivamus cursus augue id odio luctus in dictum lorem volutpat. WE PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE LARGEST COMMUNITY OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS THROUGH OUR 73 HOSPITALS ACROSS THREE CONTINENTS Never use Mediclinic Blue for text that is not highlighting a true The Science of Care Proof Point, or highlighting information that delivers The Science of Care. TEXT AND SIMPLE PIE CHART Never use The Science of Care Never use solid areas of Proof Points on a crowded or dark © Mediclinic InternationalMediclinic Ltd. | Presentation file Blue. name.ppt | 7-Sep-2010 background – as this will affect the legibility of the Proof Point. Always leave some clear space around it. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | COLOUR 11% 67% loren ipsum dolor sit amen cumcue est extra information about the pie chart Never use Mediclinic Blue for information graphics. CONTENTS 1 / 24