Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 51

4.7 COLOUR MEDICLINIC BLUE AND INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTING Mediclinic Blue can also be used to highlight information that delivers The Science of Care. Don’t use Mediclinic Blue more than three times on a single layout. For example, this menu highlights the specialist’s name, as the specialist is responsible for delivering The Science of Care. The menu features pictograms in Mediclinic Blue. All of our pictograms use this colour as they are evidence of the way we apply science to improve the experiences of our patients. ‘Recommended for’ signifies that this is personally tailored and therefore delivers The Science of Care. Don’t overuse Mediclinic Blue. Never use it more than three times on a single side of a layout. Always use the correct colour values for Mediclinic Blue. Colour specifications are on pages 4.14. and 4.15. The specialist delivers The Science of Care so her name and title are highlighted in Mediclinic Blue. All our pictograms are highlighted in Mediclinic Blue. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | COLOUR CONTENTS