Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 50

4.6 COLOUR MEDICLINIC BLUE AND THE SCIENCE OF CARE PROOF POINTS Mediclinic Blue is used sparingly and in a precise and deliberate manner to highlight The Science of Care Proof Points. This can be in the form of text only or text with a blue line. Mediclinic Blue can also be used to highlight information that delivers The Science of Care, e.g. a doctor’s name, or a pictogram. Mediclinic Blue is always used at 100%, and on light and spacious backgrounds only. Never use this colour on a solid area or as a background. Science of Care Proof Points can be used on objects and in environments as well as in conventional communications, for example: – A plant tag that references how the plant was specifically chosen as it absorbs toxins in the air. – A water bottle with text that explains why water speeds up the healing process. A Science of Care Proof Point must always be relevant to the area in which it is placed. Mediclinic Blue is a precious colour to our brand. Use it deliberately, never for decoration. Each Proof Point is to be approved by Mediclinic before production. Please refer to pages 9.3 to 9.8 for guidance on how to write our Proof Points. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | COLOU