Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 104

8.8 SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS INFORMATION GRAPHICS TABLES Grey panels or lines can be used within tables to help guide the eye across a column of information. Vivamus cursus Praesent Quisque Suspendise augue 1,345 6,781 4,847 For best legibility use Mediclinic Grey 5 for panels in tables, and Mediclinic Grey 1 for the text and lines. If vertical lines are required to separate the columns, white can be used (see top example). id odio luctus 45,645 77,780 37,591 in dictum 487 972 1,401 lorem volutpat 34 54 29 Vivamus cursus Praesent Quisque augue 1,345 6,781 id odio luctus 45,645 77,780 in dictum 487 972 Mediclinic Orange can be used to highlight text in a table (see bottom example). Always use the correct colour values for Mediclinic Grey. Colour specifications are on pages 4.14. and 4.15. Grey panels and lines help to organise the information Quarter 1 2 3 4 MCCH 1.5 2.2 2.3 1.8 Europe 3.3 3.3 3.7 3.2 Mediclinic Orange can be used as a highlight colour MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS CONTENTS