Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 103

8.7 SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS INFORMATION GRAPHICS PRINCIPLES Quarter 1 3 4 MCCH 1.5 2.2 2.3 1.8 Europe 3.3 3.3 3.7 3.2 100 Make sure you use the correct type of graphic to show information in the most effective way. Sometimes a simple table or list can work better than a map or complicated diagram. CONSECTETUR 100 Wherever possible our information graphics use Mediclinic Greys 1 to 5, with Mediclinic Orange as a highlight. 75 070 CONSECTETUR 75 060 COLOUR HIERARCHY 2 075 Information graphics are there to help order information and make it easier to understand. Make them clear and don’t over-complicate them. Use the bare minimum of simple geometric shapes. 070 SIMPLE GEOMETRIC SHAPES 75 CONSECTETUR Never use Mediclinic Blue or Mediclinic Dark Blue in charts, tables and graphs. Mediclinic Blue can be used in maps to denote Mediclinic locations. If more colours are needed, use our extended colour palette – shown on page 8.12. total 0,000 LEAVE WHITE SPACE Leave some clear space around our information graphics and ensure all relating information is close to the graphic. AVOID DECORATIVE EFFECTS 2D graphics are more effective for communicating information. Don’t use decorative effects such as drop shadows, 3D or shading. 000 scale total 0,000 scale total 0,000 00 00 000 00 000 000 000 000 0,000 0,000 0,000 000 000 000 000 lorem ipsum 000 00 FY 2006 00 FY 2007 (FY 2008 rate) MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS 00 FY 2008 bisque barsin 000 dolor sit amen FY 2006 FY 2007 (FY 2008 rate) FY 2008 CONTENTS