“Men suck!”
“Men are horrible!”
“Men are insensitive!”
“Men are selfish!”
“Men are %&$*#-holes!”
“Men are immature!”
“Men are just children!”
“Marriage and relationships are hopeless!”
I could go on, but I think you probably get
the idea. Nothing that my client was sharing
surprised me in the least. I encounter this
all the time with my female clients as a
relationship and divorce coach, and I have
heard men who were in the midst of divorce
say many similar remarks about women. So
it goes both ways. In the interest of fairness
and full disclosure, I was in that same frame
of mind in the immediate aftermath of my
own divorce experience. I think harboring
those angry, visceral emotions toward your
ex and the opposite gender in general is
understandable, and one who has gone
4 1 1
through the pain, trauma, and stress of
divorce is entitled to feel whatever emotions
they want to feel. I believe that is one’s right,
and is perfectly healthy. HOWEVER, and I
wrote that in all caps for a reason, it comes a
time during the journey, that regaining some
rational perspective is warranted.
I pointed out to my client an observation t