DIVORCE 411 APRIL 2015 | Page 18

D I V O R C E The most important perspective that I ever received about relationships came from my own marriage counseling experience. During one of the sessions, the marriage counselor said that; “each of us (meaning myself and my ex-wife) are EQUALLY responsible for three of us being here, and each of us are 50% responsible for the marriage being in the state that it was in.” To this day, I still view that moment as one of the most profound lessons in relationships and life that someone has taught me. No matter what your ex-spouse may have done that was hurtful to you, it is also important to take a hard, sobering look at what you, yourself did to contribute to the dynamics of the relationship being what they are. When you are at the point when you are ready and able to do this, you are then taking a huge step in the grieving and healing process. To quote Robert Brault; ”Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got.” For those who are still unfortunately experiencing the hurt and pain from past relationships, it is my hope that you will experience that ease in your life very soon. 18 | Divorce 411 April 2015 4 1 1