Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 5

Shake yourself Free ; Woman
Jesus to hear what He had to say . Am sure these guys had stones in their hands ready for action . But unknown to them , Jesus was not an ordinary teacher of the law , He was the saviour of the world and the entire human race and though law was given through Moses , grace and truth came through Him . He had come to save , not to judge or condemn sinners . This is why He did not overturn the law because there was nothing wrong with it . Instead , He re-established righteousness on the basis of grace .
We all fall in the category of this woman in the sense that , in one way or the other , we have been ' caught ' in our sins . Sometimes we feel guilty and so terrible that we are even ashamed of ourselves . The enemy is always ready to point an accusing finger at us . The Bible calls him " the accuser of brethren " and he constantly uses our sins to condemn us and more often than not , we agree with him . We tend to think that we are the worst people that have ever walked the face of the earth , but this only compounds our guilt and terrible feeling that we find ourselves in the same position this woman did .
She didn ' t utter even a single word all the time her accusers were condemning her to die . It took Jesus for her to be restored back . By that time they were gone . This is the same way it happens to us . Jesus is a faithful redeemer and Saviour and all the time , he tampers justice with mercy . He always has the final say even when we are not in a position to defend ourselves before those who condemn and accuse us . He defends , saves , forgives and restores us back just like He did with this woman . Jesus forgave and told her that she is condemned no more . Her sins were now forgiven and she was whole again as if she had never sinned her entire life . He commanded the woman not to sin again , not because she might be stoned and won ' t be there to rescue her , but because grace had rescued her . She was now a child of God and possessed a new identity . This means if you are in Christ Jesus , you are a new creation and free from condemnation .

Shake yourself Free ; Woman

In a society where a woman is considered vulnerable , weak , fragile and defenceless , it ’ s hard to think that there is any who is ready to defy the world and its oppressive rules and dare make a difference . The female gender has been on the receiving end of the unfavourable rules and regulations of the society and the world at large . Many women have suffered , and have had to bear unnecessary burdens and pain they are not supposed to experience if things were done differently . For many of us , hopes have been shattered , dreams have remained dreams and lives have been wasted away because we have not come to the understanding of who we are , and this has become the genesis of our troubles .
Identity crisis , which has led to low self-esteem and insecurities , has become the order of the day in our lives . Most of us are so bound and tied down by issues that we are unable to arise above all the shortcomings and limitations in our lives , and as a result , we have resorted to living life as it comes . Our hands hang limp and we walk defeated because we think we can do nothing about our situations . We think we are unlucky and hopeless . We refuse to fight and opt to go with the flow of life which has led us to manipulation , intimidation and failure .
The reason why many of us are more affected and bound by the traditions , culture , religions and the unrealistic expectations of the society is because we have submitted to them . Some of us do not know what to do , so the only way out is to give in . Yet I believe that those chains that hold us captive and keep us from advancing are not so strong that we cannot break them . But we need to decide and make a deliberate choice to be free . If we don ’ t take action and full control of our lives and destinies , life will always be unfair to us . God does not have favourites and He can help anyone who is ready to receive His help .
Shake yourself free , Jerusalem ! Rise from the dust and sit on your throne ! Undo the chains that bind you , captive people of Zion ! Isaiah 52:2