Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 6

The Reality Of Life

I have said these things to you , that in me you may have peace . In the world you will have tribulation . But take heart ; I have overcome the world " ~ John 16:33 ESV
We are often troubled , but not crushed ; sometimes in doubt , but never in despair ; there are many enemies , but we are never without a friend ; and though badly hurt at times , we are not destroyed ~ 2 Corinthians 4:8 - 9 GNT
We will all agree that life , as the old saying goes , is not a smooth sail . Looking at it from my own perspective , I believe that it ' s a battle , and as such must be approached and lived . This doesn ' t mean that we should be fighting and contending with whatever comes our way every moment of our lives , rather it simply means that we should approach and live life with a winning mentality ; knowing that no matter what comes our way , we have victory and God has our back .
God has called us from the world and positioned us in the same world for His divine purpose , but
this doesn ' t mean that we will have it all going for us . Far from it , in fact , there are times we will have it rough . Yet no matter what happens and no matter what comes our way , we need to understand that victory is on our side . Nothing comes into our lives without His knowledge and in everything , God is our present help . Look at what He says in Isaiah ;
Israel , the Lord who created you says , “ Do not be afraid — I will save you . I have called you by name — you are mine . When you pass through deep waters , I will be with you ; your troubles will not overwhelm you . When you pass through fire , you will not be burned ; the hard trials that come will not hurt you ~ Isaiah43:1-2 GNT
The above scripture gives us a clear picture of exactly what to expect in our lives . I have lived several years to come to the realization that life is all about growing through challenges and hardships . I also do believe that every human being alive ; no matter who they are or what they have ; where