Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 4

Condemned No More

Condemned No More

A story is told in the book of John 8:3-11 of a certain woman who was caught in the very act of adultery . She was brought before Jesus by the teachers of the law and the Pharisees . They quoted the Law of Moses citing that such a woman , according to the law was eligible for death , and not just death , but be stoned to death . They waited for Jesus to answer , but He did something else – He bent over and wrote on the ground with His finger . They kept on asking Him questions perhaps insisting that He should give way for them to accomplish this task . It is clear that Jesus stood in between and His word was going to be final .
When they kept on questioning him , he straightened up and said to them , “ Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her .” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground . At this , those who heard began to go away one at a time , the older ones first , until only Jesus was left , with the woman still standing there . Jesus straightened up and asked her ,
“ Woman , where are they ? Has no one condemned you ?” “ No one , sir ,” she said . “ Then neither do I condemn you ,” Jesus declared . “ Go now and leave your life of sin ” ~ John 8:7-11
We cannot deny the fact that we live in a society full of women and men who are ready to pinpoint our mistakes and shortcomings anytime . They always look at us with a judgmental eye and their hearts are full of the same judgmental attitude like that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law . They clearly see the evil in others while being blind to the evil that resides in their own hearts . The above woman lived in such a society where everything was expected to be perfect in her life . Her life was being gauged and scrutinized under the Law of Moses .
She was caught committing adultery by people who knew law than others and she was immediately put under judgment . Just that this time , they decided to go through