Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 3

position of God in our lives is extremely important to us because God has been dethroned so many times by the so called His children more than the world .
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness , and all these things will be given to you as well ~ Matthew 6:33
We are living in a generation of ‘ worriers ’, worrying about everything and anything . Jesus makes it clear that worrying or being anxious about all the things of this world will not solve anything . Our hearts must be set for something else - something more important - for its only pagans who worry about the things of this world . As for us , first things must come first , and that ’ s the Kingdom of God and His righteousness . It must go without saying then , that you cannot seek the Kingdom without seeking the King . And so , God comes first .
First Belongs to God This is what the Lord says — Israel ’ s King and Redeemer , the Lord Almighty : I am the first and I am the last ; apart from me there is no God ~ Isaiah 44:6
First means : most important ; number one ; preeminent ; fundamental ; original ; earliest in time . God is a jealous God according to Exodus 20:3-6 . He is not envious ; He only becomes jealous when you give someone or something else what belongs to Him . He comes first and He is the First . This position cannot be occupied by any other person or thing in your life , it belongs only to God . What comes first determines what follows .
“ The first offspring of every womb belongs to me , including all the firstborn males of your livestock , whether from herd or flock . Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb , but if you do not redeem it , break its neck . Redeem all your firstborn sons ... “ Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God ..." ~ Exodus 34:19-20 , 26
The main reason why people are vulnerable to conmen and are being deceived and robbed in broad daylight is because they are after stuff not God . When your heart rejects God and it departs from Him , it suddenly becomes needy and you start seeking God for what He has not for who He is . Give yourself to God first ; seek Him first and let Him take the first position in your life and in every other area of your life - enthrone Him back to His position and let Him occupy the throne of your heart .
Ashlly Ruth
For More info , feedback or inquiries ;
Website : www . ashllyruth . co . ke Twitter : @ ashllyruth Facebook : @ ashllyruthke Instagram : @ ashllyruthke Email : ashllyruth @ gmail . com
First always redeems the rest . Understanding the