Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 2

In This Issue

Condemned No more ... Pg 4 The reality of life ... Pg 6
Why we must master the discipline of prayer and intercession ... Pg 8
Importunity in prayer ... Pg 10
Little is much when God is involved …. Pg 12
The Power of the tongue ... Pg 14 Renew your mind …. Pg 16
Follow Me ; the Golden rule to walking with God ... Pg 18
Adversities : Why God allows troubles into our lives …. Pg 22
Mercy in the middle …. Pg 27
The key to understanding life and yourself …. Pg 28
Want to succeed in life ? Let go of your past ... Pg 30
What tenacity will do for you ... Pg 32
Why we need to put God at the centre of our lives … Pg 34
Dangers of comfort zone ... Pg 36

But you , my friends , keep on building yourselves up on your most sacred faith . Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit , and keep yourselves in the love of God , as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy to give you eternal life ~ Jude 1:20-21 GNT