Divine 9 III~Passport to Paris Divine 9 2013 Passport to Paris | Page 25

What has been your best Hatting experience ? Becoming Queen of the Scarlett Belles in 2004 and after organizing and holding the 1st large Red Hat Event in the Hampton Roads area , founding the Hampton Roads Queens Council . Through these two groups I have made lasting friendships and we have had so much " Fun After 50 " dressing up in all kinds of outfits--something happens when that hat goes on--it gives you a sense of confidence , a feeling of belonging and allows you to take part in things you would never dream of doing on your own . That hat can be anything--a bra , a lampshade , a flowered lei or an extravagant creation you have made--they all give us the same feeling of belonging .
Tell us about yourself ! I was born and raised in Suffolk , Va ., where I have lived all my life . I am one of five children , the only girl with 4 brothers . I have been married to the love of my life , my husband Harrell , for 41 years . We have one daughter , who has turned into the most beautiful , loving , caring , thoughtful , fun loving and supportive daughter any mother could ever wish for . She and her husband have blessed us with two precious grandchildren , who have blessed our lives in ways too numerous to mention .
I have been retired now for almost five years , after working 28 years in the furniture business and 10 years in the car business . I am enjoying my retirement--traveling , being with family ( especially my daughter and grandchildren ), going out for Afternoon Tea and attending as many Red Hat Events as I can afford , making hats and costumes--Life is Good--God has blessed me greatly and I am so thankful .