Divine 9 III~Passport to Paris Divine 9 2013 Passport to Paris | Page 24

Queen Rose

How did you start as a Hatter ? How long have you been a Red Hatter ? In 2001 I read the article about the Red Hat Society and Sue Ellen in Romantic Homes Magazine . This seemed like such a fun thing so I asked a friend if she would like join a chapter with me . I searched the RHS website and found a chapter nearby that met on Saturdays , as I was still working at the time . I called the Queen and we attended and joined the Scarlett Belles in Sept . of 2001 .
Describe the wildest / craziest thing you ' ve done while at an event . At the first Virginia Funvention in 2004 , my friend and I entered the " talent " contest . We did a take on the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders , but Red Hat style ! We wore flesh colored body suits and tights-- our outfits--a bra made from 2 red sequin children ' s hats , a skirt made from red sequin children ' s tutus , red and purple pompoms from the Dollar Tree , a handmade purple sequin vest , red sequin bikinis , red glittered tennis shoes and red cowboy hat . As you know , professional cheerleaders are more about dancing than cheering , so we performed our " cheer " skit to " Hot Stuff " by Donna Summers . For our finale to the song , we turned around flipped up our skirts and flashed the audience --on our " cheeks " was a red sequin red hat , like a tattoo . We brought down the house and won 1st place and we were asked to come back the next year for an encore . It was so much fun , we had ladies running up and sticking dollars bills into our outfit . What a hoot ! Here is a picture . Ladies still come up to me now after all these years and say how much they enjoyed our skit .
What have you gained from The Sisterhood ? So many wonderful , dear friends , not only locally , but through social media such as Facebook , friends from all over the world ! It is so great to attend events and get to meet so many of these ladies . Being the only girl in my family , so many of these friends have become like " sisters " to me . I am so grateful for their friendship and caring .
If money were no object , where would you like to go for an event ? I would love to see a national convention in Hawaii . What a fabulous time we would have !
In your opinion , the best thing about the Divine 9 event was : For me the best thing was going around , in my campaigning for Ms Congeniality , and meeting and chatting with so many of you , both old friends and new friends--and leaving you all with my special little " Hug and Kiss ". Making friends is what it is all about !