How did you start as a Hatter ? My grandmother and two Aunts of the Hatastrophes enticed me into joining .
How long have you been a Red Hatter ? Just a little over a year
Describe the wildest / craziest thing you ' ve done while at an event . I haven ' t done anything too wild yet ... but I ' m just getting started !
How has Hatting changed you ? It has help me come out of my shell quite a bit !
What have you gained from The Sisterhood ? Seeing and feeling all of the support from all of the ladies . It ' s an awesome experience to go to an event and meet new people and then by the end of the weekend you have life long friends !
If money were no object , where would you like to go for an event ? Anywhere tropical !
What has been your best hatting experience ? There have already been so many great moments but so far it has been winning Ms Perfect in Pink .
Someone who is reading this is thinking of joining the RHS . Why should they ? So many reasons ! It is a great opportunity to meet new and wonderful ladies from so many different places and all coming together to have fun !
In your opinion , the best thing about the Divine 9 event was ? Winning Ms Perfect in Pink !
Tell us about yourself ! I am a Surgical Assistant / Clinical Coordinator full time . I am single and ready to mingle ! I have a Blue Russian cat named Ty . When I have down time I love to cook and hang out with my friends . I also play guitar and enjoy painting and drawing . My newest obsession would probably be trying new crafting ideas from Pinterest , and this is where I also look for inspiration for making my hats .