Divine 9 III~Passport to Paris Divine 9 2013 Passport to Paris | Page 26

Queen Betty

How did you start as a Hatter ? I have a friend that had this wonderful little quaint restaurant . I would go in and see her , one day there was a meeting going on and she invited me to stay to meet the girls . I went to two events and decided that I would fit right in with these ladies . This was a way to be a little girl again . I have always loved seeing the hats on ladies .
How long have you been a Hatter ? I have been hatting for just over a year now .
What have you gained from The Sisterhood ? The sisterhood has made it where I have been able to find the little girl that I wanted to be . I get to meet others that like to have fun and be with ladies . I have learned how to be a lady .
What has been your best Hatting experience ? My best hatting experience would have to be Divine 9 – Passport to Paris . I went as a sister with a Queen and two other sisters . I then came home from the event after seeing all the ladies and what Hatting was all about and started thinking . I then flew the coop and started my own chapter . I now have 6 ladies in my group not counting my co-queen and vice-queen . The Eclectic Ladies are up and running all because of the wonderful time we had at Divine 9 .
In your opinion , the best thing about the Divine 9 event was : The best part of Divine 9 was that as a Pinkie I was able to see that Red Hatters love us . I found out at Divine 9 that girls just want to have fun and that you can be outlandish if you want and other sisters will have just as much fun as you . Oh and playing tidily winks with the bingo markers and trying to shoot it down sisters shirts . Thanks for the memories .