Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 4
Diva Zone Magazine
Publisher’s Note
Check On Your
During the
Najiyyah Brooks, Publisher
and her beautiful Mom,
Monica Brooks.
have always loved the holidays. Th e festive sounds, beautiful
decorations, delicious and savory meals and the blessing of to residing in; all the while insisting that, “I am fi ne!”
being surrounded by family and friends.
Beloved, we should always consider that the strong people in our
Th ere was a time when I would even reserve my vacation days to lives have needs too. Th ey need a shoulder to cry on. A listening ear.
combine them with my holiday days just to open my home for A hug. A meal. Perhaps fi nancial assistance. Life is not meant to be
anyone who wanted to come by and share in some holiday cheer. I’d lived without relationships. We need to allow people in to help and
go all out with the décor and cooking; and I adored every minute of we need to turn the focus off ourselves and seek to serve those who
it. Th en life happened…
may need us.
In one year’s time my most anticipated time of the year became the During this holiday season I strongly encourage you to check on your
most loathed time of the year. I went from being the “hostess with the strong friends and perhaps off er your company and service to those
mostess” to literally hiding under the covers on both Th anksgiving who do so much for so many. Strong doesn’t mean without weakness
and Christmas Day alone. I was beyond depressed; and the scary and fragile seasons, it just means we’ve learned to smile through the
thing is that I became a genius at hiding it. I would tell my family pain. Be intentional and SHOW LOVE, it’s the JESUS way.
and loved ones that “I’m okay, just working a lot.” I got away with
this untruth because I do work a lot and my schedule is always busy. In closing, I challenge you even if you DO have an overfl ow of money
However, I know the reason I could go on like this for more than one for gift s to focus on God centering activities and show your loved
holiday season is that everyone looked at me as the “strong” friend. ones what Christ looks like here in the earth. LOVE, PEACE, JOY
Th e one who always has an encouraging word, a lunch invitation or is the very character of Christ…He made Himself who was rich to
baked goods to help others feel better and during the holidays, more become poor and dwell among us!
Th is Holiday issue Th e DIVA Zone™ Magazine focuses on the simple
What happens when the “strong” ones reach the ends of their things that make our lives and our holidays beautiful; things that
rope? When the encourager needs encouragement? When the cup money cannot buy like Peace, Joy, Love and Family. So beautiful
fi ller needs their cup fi lled? Sadly, the answer to these questions go people of God, let’s focus our attention on all the beauty of Th e
Lord and marvel at His goodness and declare to the high heavens…
unanswered too oft en.
It took a few really close discerning friends and family members
who noticed my change of behavioral patterns “around the holidays” Blessings and Love,
to begin to take notice of me and surround me with the love and Najiyyah Brooks
resources needed to pull me out of “the funk” I had come accustomed Brooks Media Group / DIVA Zone Magazine