Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 5

Price eace P 2019 Special Holiday Edition 5 BY MARIA WHITAKER Picture This. After a long day of work, a few men get on a boat for a calm, eight-mile ride across a small body of water to settle in for the evening. The trip begins serenely, but from out of nowhere, the climate in their tropical paradise suddenly shifts. The winds begin howling, and the once calm waters begin to rage and swell to the point of filling their small boat. The men begin to panic until, suddenly, they realize that the Captain of the vessel is on board. They look around, but aren’t able to locate him right away. Wouldn’t you know it! They are in the middle of a major crisis, and they find their Captain fast asleep in the back of the boat. They cry out to him, pleading with him to wake up and help them before the boat sinks. The Captain awakens at the cries of his crew, rises, looks out and speaks calmly, yet forcefully to the storm, “Peace! Be still!” He then returns to the back of the boat and continues resting. Suddenly, the storm completely calms and the crew is left in amazement, wondering aloud to each other, “Who is this man? How is he able to make wind, waves and commotion cease at the sound of his voice?” (Mark 4:35-41 Paraphrased) ARE YOU WISHING TODAY THAT SOMEONE WOULD SPEAK AN END TO THE COMMOTION AD DISTURBANCE IN YOUR LIFE? Do you wish that you could live without the internal and external storms, for at least one day? The truth is, beloved, that if you are a child of God, you have the free privilege to live this way each and every day of your life. This gift is yours for the asking. The gift about which I speak is God’s free gift of PEACE. When Jesus spoke with His disciples before his death on the Cross, He said to them, and now to us, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27 New Living Translation) If we were to briefly break down the meaning of this PEACE that Jesus spoke about, it would look something like this: Peace is living in... It’s that simple, yet so profound. This peace allows you to rest in the assurance that although things may feel and indeed be out of your control, you have the favor to reside in a place of spiritual, emotional and mental rest regardless of external circumstances. Now, before you brush this off as another ‘religious’ whoop, let’s talk about how we walk this out practically. 1. Recognize that 24/7 DRAMA IS NOT NORMAL. We all have challenges, and some of us may have our share of drama (personal, family, relational, work, etc.), but please, understand that no child of God should be consumed every day, every minute with chaos. Check yourself and rid yourself of unnecessary drama. Also, recognize quickly if you defend yourself creating issues when things seem “too calm” for your taste. This is a dysfunction (we all have some, but must surrender them to God), and it is blocking your peace. 2. Learn to walk in FORGIVENESS. One of the most debilitating leeches in a child of God’s life is unforgiveness. It dries up your life source. It is too heavy to carry. If you are holding anything against anyone, LET IT GO! I know that it is easier said than done, but your peace depends on it. Ask God to help you release it, and once you’ve asked, DO IT! 3. Live WITHIN YOUR MEANS. There is nothing more stressful than living in a place of lack. Don’t allow what you don’t have to define you, and don’t allow yourself to make up for this lack, by spending more than you have. 4. Rid yourself of unnecessary BAGGAGE and RE-EVALUATE YOUR INNER CIRCLE. Simply put, who or what needs to go? 5. ACCEPT THE GIFT OF SALVATION. If you are reading this and you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord, please know that living in His peace just is not possible. I’m not being insensitive, but only God can bring you to a place of peace and restoration. Let Him do it. Pray this prayer with me: God I come to you today asking that you come into my life. I believe that you lived, died and were raised from the dead for my soul’s salvation. I accept your gift of salvation right now in Jesus’ Name. Amen. If you prayed that prayer sincerely, salvation is yours as is God’s peace.