Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 3

Contents ON THE COVER: One of the most rewarding parts of creating media platforms is that we are able to show public LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT to true game changers and EXPERTS within their respective fi elds. Our covers for Brooks Media Group Publications vary from celebrities to CHANGE AGENTS and INFLUENCERS all of whom are well on their way to be recognized for their lofty and unselfi sh contributions! Such is the case of our illustrious 2019 Holiday Issue of the beloved fl agship DIVA Zone Magazine where the AMAZING Dr. Teresa R. Martin CEO and Founder of Generational Wealth Zone is featured! www.generationalwealthzone.com Dr. Martin, who is no stranger to The DIVA Zone Family, shares wisdom on CREATING LEGACY for our families and the keys to building TRUE WEALTH! OVERVIEW: The DIVA Zone™ Magazine is blessed with yet another opportunity to share our hearts with yours in this special 2019 Holiday Issue! Our beloved publication is now offered in print (with national distribution) as well as an electronic format which will allow us to expand our magazine even further and make your reading experience more interactive; and prayerfully more readily accessible. It is also our hope that our readers are encouraged to electronically share with many others, what we believe to be a quality, well-balanced publication for our sisters. Check the website for a list of stores where The DIVA Zone will be distributed for free. We are counting on you to help us spread the good news! Inside this Holiday issue, you will be blessed by articles which will bring our focus on the things in this life that matter; things that money cannot buy. We have pieces on Joy, Peace and encouragement for anyone who may be feeling lonely and blue. You’ll be challenged to spend consciously and try your hand at some great holiday recipes. Also in this issue are powerful articles written with LOVE and refl ection of what the holidays mean without watering down the message of Jesus Christ (the BEST part of this great work)! From health and fi tness, relationships and money to food and holiday tips this issue is SOUL FOOD! The DIVA Zone Magazine Issue (the print version) will be scaling into various markets from January 2020 and beyond. Brooks Media Group appreciates your support in thought, word and/or deed! Love and Blessings! From all of us here at The DIVA Zone™ Magazine, we again thank you for your continued support, prayers and most assuredly, for believing in this vision. Although, we are but the conduit and God is the Master of this plan, the writers and editors remain in awe of the unfolding of it all. 2019 Special Holiday Edition CENTERING Moments with Najiyyah 4 The Price of PEACE 5 COMBATING the Holiday Blues 7 FINANCE 9 FOUNDING PUBLISHER AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR NAJIY YAH BROOKS MANAGING EDITOR -IN-CHIEF NAJIY YAH BROOKS SENIOR CREATIVE DIRECTOR Madelin Dargan, MLD Communications CONTRIBUTING WRITERS / EDITORS Ann-Marie Bennett Monica Brooks Najiyyah Brooks Tosha J. Brown Monissa Childs Sonia Sutherland-Cruz Shani Tyler Jones Tashena Middleton Mayah Mitchell Delayna Keller-Watkins Maria Whitaker ADVERTISING SALES AND EDITORIAL OFFICES: Toll Free 800-400-7967 www.divazonemagazine.com sales@divazonemagazine.com www.brooksmediallc.com The DIVA Zone Magazine™ is published six times a year by Brooks Media Group LLC and has earned the readership of both national and international online audiences of women seeking to lead well-balanced, happy, healthy, wealthy, and spiritually sound lives. Contribution of articles, photographs and industry information are welcome, but cannot be returned. The DIVA Zone Magazine’s mission is to inspire, educate, uplift and encourage all women into well balanced and healthy living. Advertisers who offer products, services and events in support of our mission are encouraged to contact our Sales Department at 800-400-7967 or sales@ divazonemagazine.com © Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, electronic retrieval / publication without written permission of the Publisher. 3 Responsible Holiday Spending COVER STORY Generational Wealth an Interview Featuring Dr. Teresa R. Martin PASTEL PAGES Directory When You Win I Win Sis! Chapter Leaders Soul Got JOY? ALONE 10 -11 12 -16 17 BUT NEVER LONLELY 19 Eat Healthier this Holiday Season 21 HEALTH BEAUTY Holiday Make Up Tips 22 PROMOTE HER 23 CHAPTER LISTING -28 FOOD Gourmet Holiday Meals Prepared at Home 30 Networking Tips 31 8 Holiday HOLIDAY Etiquette 32 HOME Simple Decorating Tips 3 FOOD 33 Vegan Receipes 34 Reason for the Season 35 A Special Invitation