interest; observed both in and outside of the District; led and trained
others; and initiated ideas for professional development. Making sure our
staff get the professional development they want and need is moving in
the right direction in accordance to the strategic plan.
Bridging the achievement gap of specific groups of students, such as
English Language Learners (ELL), students with an Individualized
Education Plan (IEP), and low-income students is an absolute priority for
the District. Practices that we have implemented to address this gap are
data meetings; book studies; improved monitoring of student progress; a
dedicated Math coach; new Math resource materials; a Summer reading
program; extended school year; a more structured response to
intervention (RTI) process; daily and specified intervention time; a Special
Education co-teacher at each grade level; leveled literacy materials at
each grade level; reinforced classroom instruction; an ELL leadership
team; and curriculum and assessment professional learning collaboration. First grade final presentations included
report, diorama, and multimedia show
PFA Prepares for 2018-19
District 128 benefits from strong support from families, faculty and staff who are members of an active Parent-
Faculty Association (PFA). Last year, the PFA coordinated the Back to School Ice Cream Social; the "Screenagers"
viewing in September; Parents' Time Out; BOOingo!; Santa's Secret Shop; hot dog days; spirit wear; the bowling
leagues; classroom parties at Chippewa and Indian Hill; Teacher Appreciation Week; the IJHS picnic; the year end
parties at Indian Hill, Chippewa, and Navajo; the 8th grade dance; the Disney Park Hopper Raffle; Discount Cards;
and the School Supply fundraiser.
The money raised by the PFA during all of these fabulous activities goes directly back to our students. We purchase
things that are outside of the district's budget to enhance the student experience. From care packages for the 5th
grade classes after the Navajo fire, to a book for every student in our district, to online subscriptions, to outside
speakers for both students and community, and so much more. Every child in our District benefits from the work
that PFA does - and, hopefully, everyone has a lot of fun along the way! The cost to join the PFA is minimal, and
100% participation from families and faculty is key to continuing PFA-sponsored programming and funding.
2018-19 PFA officers are:
President - Lisa Freimuth
Treasurer - Jenn Svevo
Co-secretaries - Jessica Schultz and Susie Cusack
Directors - Jill Curtin and Jen Holmstrom
Please save the date for our Back to School Ice Cream Social on August 21st. Watch for PFA and Hot Dog Day
registration in early September. Start planning those costumes for BOOingo! on October 26.