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valedictorians for both Shepard and Chicago Christian high schools, respectively. For the last two years, over
70% of IJHS students attending Shepard High School were enrolled in honors courses. Our 3rd through 8th grade
students have consistently scored 25% or greater than the state average on the state assessment, and we have
had one of the highest percentage of students meeting or exceeding state standards in the South Cook area for
the past several years. We are proud of what we do here in District 128, and will continue to challenge our
students to prepare them to be successful at the next level and beyond.
Dr. Dawn Green, Superintendent
Progress on Strategic Plan Iniatives
The Palos Heights #128 District technology director, Mark Hupp, worked with 1st grade, 5th grade, and 7th
grade teachers and students to develop technology projects using student iPads. The District followed the SAMR
(substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition) model in implementing technology into the teaching.
Technology was a highlight in the 1st grade classes this year. Children and teachers worked collaboratively with
Mrs. Lynch, our media teacher, to create amazing ebook habitat projects. This culminating research activity was
showcased in a Wax Museum, and included green-screen technology, web-based research, and audio narrations
recorded by the students. 1st grade students also created “All About Me” books on iPads using book creator,
and completed book reviews about their favorite books and authors using hand-drawn diagrams, photographs
and written portions all collected in an ebook.
To continue with our commitment to enhance Project-
based Learning, the 5th grade students created a Public
Service Announcement (PSA) focusing on environmental
issues studied in science class. They were given guiding
questions to help research their topic, and technology
components to include in their Public Service
Announcement. Each project included voice overs, the use
of the green screens and several technology apps. The
students worked collaboratively in small groups to to
create the PSA.
After reading Sticks and Stones by Abbey Cooper, 7th
First Grader Travis S. uses green screen and snorkle props to
graders also created PSAs on the dangers of bullying, using introduce his audience to the puffer fish
iMovie. Choosing their books and topics, students also
created book trailers, using iMovie; photo essays using Canva, and did a videography (a video biography), using
The District committed to using a more structured process, using data and involving stakeholders, when making
significant changes - such as a new curriculum or a new schedule. Examples of using data and stakeholders
through a significant change process have resulted in our new Math curriculum, new junior high schedule, and
the adoption of a new Science/STEM curriculum in the coming school year.
The District has also committed to using staff input to determine, create, and implement at least half of the
professional development opportunities that take place. District staff have utilized surveys to consider need and