District NL D128-NL-Summer18

Palos Heights 128 News Summer 2018 | Neighborhood Edition Superintendent's Message Grades 6 - 8 Dr. Dawn Green, Superintendent Grades 4 & 5 Grades 1 - 3 PreK & K District The 2017-18 school year, which wrapped up June 4, was an eventful and impactful year for faculty and students. It was the second year of free, full-day Kindergarten for all eligible students, and the second year of our tuition-based, full-day Preschool at Indian Hill. We built on the success of new programs - like GoMath! for students K-5; STEM curriculum, leveled literacy material, Math and English Language Arts ‘blocks’ for our Junior High students; as well as the SchoolWide reading and writing resource for students K-8. There were challenges, too - not the least of which was the fire that damaged the 5th grade wing at Navajo in February. Our sincere thanks goes out to custodian John Meier, who alerted the fire department immediately so the damage could be contained; the faculty, staff, and students at Navajo, Chippewa and IJHS for their resiliency and willingness to adapt to continue school without interruption; and the Palos Heights community at-large, who supported us with donations to get our 5th grade classrooms back up-and-running when we returned to Navajo. The way everyone came together during this difficult time is a testament to what an awesome District and community we have! This newsletter is focused on sharing our accomplishments from the 2017-18 school year and looking forward to the 2018-19 school year. We thank you for your interest and support, and encourage your feedback at [email protected]. While there are many ways to measure school effectiveness, there is none more clear than academic achievement. This past year, IJHS grads Delaney Lyons and Bethany Regnerus were the IJHS 8th grade graduation