Distracted MassesVol. 1 Issue #2 Oct. 2014 | Page 46

a good chance that I’ve been exposed to a higher amount should know that it is more likely that the levels are too of radioactive materials than most others, but still, I believe significant for the public to know, at least from the that even as large as the Pacific Ocean is, there was still a government’s standpoint. But of course that is exactly greater chance of me being exposed to more radioactive what the public wants to know - are the radiation levels in materials by staying in Hawaii than I would living on the food, water, and milk higher than normal in the areas where mainland. they live? Nobody will know the facts for sure now, but we But even if I’m right, the statistics regarding the can at least take a look at some of the data that is negative health effects for those exposed to nuclear related available. Of particular interest is the data for Hawaii, as the materials in New Mexico is hard to deny. According to Jay state legislature is working on a bill that requires the Hawaii M. Gould’s 1996 book The Enemy Within, Bernalillo County Department of Health to publicly post data collected from had the highest mortality rates from breast cancer among radiation monitoring stations in the state. Hawaii Senate white females in New Mexico for the years 1985-89.29 Bill number 3049 states that “The department of health Gould outlines several statistical correlations between shall implement a radiation monitoring pilot project that breast cancer and radiation exposure throughout the U.S., shall: (1) Measure and monitor radiation levels in items showing how those living downwind from nuclear test sites such as food, dairy products, rainwater, aquifers, and or near nuclear reactors tend to have higher breast cancer drainage ditches that may be susceptible to increased mortality rates. Gould writes, “New Mexico, now least radiation levels due to the March 11, 2011 Fukushima affected by emissions from civilian power reactors, nuclear disaster; and (2) Post periodic reports on the illustrates how persistent the delayed effects of exposure department’s website of those radiation levels and their are to man-made fission products. It is only in the most significance to the State. (b) The pilot project shall recent five-year period that breast cancer mortality in New commence on July 1, 2014.”32 As of October 14, 2014 the Mexico, clearly a product of early exposure to nuclear Hawaii Department of Health website did not have any of radiation, has begun to decline.”30 Gould explains that the those readings posted even though monitoring stations trend of decreasing mortality rates is good, and especially have been operable throughout Hawaii for many years prior noticeable in the areas downwind from the Trinity Test to 2011.33 According to the capitol.hawaii.gov website, the sight, but with new leaks at WIPP and other forms of Senate adopted the SB 3049 report which was received in radiation emissions it’s hard to say if those trends will amended form by the House on March 6, 2014.34 It was continue, that is if that type of information is still being referred to several House committees the next day and no collected and accurately reported. further action has been taken on the bill as of the time of Gould explains that when there is a lack of data this writing. being reported on radiation releases from nuclear Fortunately, the EPA does have data available for accidents, like the ones at Chernobyl or Three Mile Island, radiation levels in Hawaii for both pre and post-Fukushima it is a good indicator the radiation levels are much higher accident dates, however some readings, such as those for than normal. During an investigation into abnormal Strontium-89 and 90, were not done or are not made negative radiation readings at the EPA laboratory in the available to the public for the period after April 2011. years following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident, Detectable levels of Strontium-90 were being released into Gould found that the government data was not only the environment from Fukushima throughout the year 2013, unreliable, but that it