Distracted MassesVol. 1 Issue #2 Oct. 2014 | Page 47

For Strontium-90 the EPA’s MCL is 4 millirem per then it’s been more difficult to access their data, but I’m RadNet Search Results | Envirofacts | US EPA year, or 8 pCi/L. 36 The EPA lists three different not sure why that is. There could be many reasons, other http://oaspub.epa.gov/enviro/erams_query_v2.simple_output?Llocation=State&pStation=0&subloc=HI&media=PASTEURIZED+MILK&radi=Strontium-90&Fromyear=2000&Toyear=2014&units=Traditional measurements for Strontium-90 detected in Hilo milk for than the political one.” After receiving this reply I promptly Envirofacts the month of April 2011, but no subsequent measurements shot an email off to the EPA radiation laboratory using the Search Results are listed for any of the months since then. One April 4, contact information they provide on their website to see RadNet they could tell me about the discrepancy, and why RadNet Links 2011 reading shows a measurement of -1.1 pCi/L while what Overview they haven’t done more testing since it was publicly anotherLocation: reading for the same day shows a measurement of Search HI Medium: PASTEURIZED MILK announced that TEPCO had underreported the amount of Search User's Guide -.45 pCi/L. An April 13, 2011 reading shows Strontium-90 Nuclides/Radiation: Strontium-90 Customized Search Units: Traditional strontium being released into the environment, well after to be at .16 pCi/L. Measurements taken in July of 2010 and Customized Search User Guide Year Date Range : 2000 - 2014 the last April 2011 test was conducted. As of the time of The following results are based on the temporal changes in radiation level or radionuclides concentration over a specific date range Operator Definition August of 2000 show higher levels at .3 and .37 pCi/L, Model for a specified location and medium, or the nationwide distribution radiation level, or nuclide concentration for a specified date and this writing I have yet to receive a reply from the EPA. So Nuclear Events/RadNet Timeline medium. respectively. Legal Basis Related theLinks questions remain, was it 1.4 or 6.5 pCi/L of Contact Us Location Average vs. Overall Average Results or . RadNet Home Strontium-89 found in Hilo milk on April 4, 2011? Was the Sampling Programs Location Medium Sample Procedure Nuclides/Radiation Result Combined MDC Unit dairy farmer milk share member letter the real thing, and Sampling Stations Date Name Standard Uncertainty why hasn’t SB 3049 gone into effect yet? To me it all HILO, HI PASTEURIZED 19StrontiumStrontium-90 0.3 0.26 0.86 pCi/L seems suspicious, but then again it is the era of Stuxnet MILK JUL89 and 90 10 in Milk and Prism - anything can happen. HILO, HI PASTEURIZED 04StrontiumStrontium-90 -1.1 1.3 5.3 pCi/L So how much should we worry about all this? MILK APR89 and 90 11 in Milk Siegel says we shouldn’t worry ourselves to death, so to HILO, HI PASTEURIZED 04StrontiumStrontium-90 -0.45 0.43 1.8 pCi/L speak, but he also says the placebo effect can only work if MILK APR89 and 90 11 in Milk the time is taken to develop real medicines and remedies. HILO, HI PASTEURIZED 13StrontiumStrontium-90 0.16 0.56 2.1 pCi/L In the case of Fukushima the government and its nuclear MILK APR89 and 90 11 in Milk industry counterparts have tried to pull the wool over our HONOLULU, PASTEURIZED 15Strontium Strontium-90 0.37 0.21 0.69 pCi/L eyes to create a placebo effect that won’t work, since HI MILK AUGnobody is addressing the real problem to the necessary http://oaspub.epa.gov/enviro/erams_query_v2.simple_output?Llocation=State&pStation=0&subloc=HI&media=PASTEURIZED+MILK&radi=Strontium-90&Fromyear=2000&Toyear=2014&units=Traditional degree that gives 1/2the placebo effect something to compare News reporting of Strontium-89 measurements in itself to. In this case out of sight out of mind just doesn’t Hilo milk bring about questions of the accuracy of the data work. The problem is the killer is already out of sight, so reported to the X