as examples of a standard radiation source. And in the mainland United States. Like the initial tsunami debris that
meantime, they were being sold in the stores. When people hit the mainland before moving out toward Hawaii, the
saw that the milk was from Rogachev and stopped buying initial radioactive water-based plume will do the same,
it, there suddenly appeared cans of milk without labels. I eventually becoming wrapped around the island chain in
it’s diluted form. When browsing through different websites
don’t think it was because they ran out of paper.”23
The higher radiation readings reported in Hilo milk which also discussed this model I noticed tons of people
were for the month after the initial plume of radioactive claiming that the information was false and that the model
materials passed through Hawaii. Radioactive materials only showed wave activity in the Pacific during and after
continue to be released into the air and the ocean that will the 2011 tsunami, however both models exist and can be
inevitably find their way into the island chain’s ecosystem, accessed on the NOAA website. The disclaiming of the
yet I still feel like people will look at me funny if I tell them I cesium dispersion model was soon followed by posts
was exposed to radiation from Fukushima while living in quoting scientists saying that the radiation would be too
Hawaii - that for some reason they won’t believe me. Is the widely dispersed and diluted for it to be of any health
reason I feel nervous telling people why I left because concern, and that any levels in fish were so low that the
Americans are being brainwashed to believe we are safe radiation exposure from flying on an airplane was
and I am just scared of being ridiculed and called a lunatic considered worse than that from eating a contaminated
by those who believe the cover-up? Is it because the fish.27 There was no mention of the fact that the
radiation levels really are safe and that there is no need to radionuclides scientists are looking for are so tiny and the
worry about the long term effects of exposure? To tell the fish in such great numbers in such a large area that the
truth, I’m not sure, but I do know that the public is, has, probability of finding really radioactive fish is very low,
and was being lied to about the exact nature of the nuclear especially when only doing minimal testing from small
disaster at Fukushima. I do know that I no longer smell the sample areas. So I’m certain that nobody will know which
strong odor of pesticides and insecticides that, although fish is the one that is contaminated from those radioactive
regularly used in Hawaii, seemed to be even stronger waters, but there are “hot” fish out there.
smelling throughout the Fall of 2013, a time when radio
After hearing about the black sea bream fish
reports kept saying there was a strong smell of vog caught near Fukushima that had tested at 124 times over
(volcanic steam & smoke) coming from the volcano and the safe limit for radioactive cesium, I contacted the
that if we had sensitive lungs we should stay indoors. But Fisheries Research Agency of Japan to learn more. Hiroya
on many of those occasions there was no vog at all, at Sugisaki, chief of the agency’s public relations section
least not on the Hilo side of the island, so again I wondered responded with an email message stating that “The report
what type of information I was being fed through the on the cesium of black sea bream caught in Fukushima is a
media. After looking into the matter more, I learned that kind of urgent report and we don’t analyse the detail.” A
many of those pesticides and insecticides I was smelling link was provided to a chart showing the results in an
contain boric acid (in of itself odorless) - an agent known online pdf file. Although the chart is in Japanese, anyone
for killing cockroaches as well as preventing nuclear fission who reads in English can still observe the high reading for
reactions from occurring. According to the letter to milk Nov. 17, 2013 which shows the “hot” black sea bream, No.
share members, sodium borate was being fed to the cows 2615.28 The concentration levels for this reading are clearly
and goats and being put in kelp and water troughs to much higher than the concentrations in other fish caught
protect their cattle from the high radiation levels on the on or around the same day. My take is that being as far
islands. Boron has also been detected in the water on away from Fukushima as possible and not eating too much
Oahu, but at levels too