others . In 1984 , ‘ 88 , and ‘ 96 , I introduced forty people to most of the game reserves in Kenya and Tanzania . I planned the itineraries , selected the lodges , and sent monthly newsletters to entice even the most apprehensive to follow me to “ paradise .” Afterwards , it was the women who were reluctant to accompany their husbands , who sent me the most thoughtful letters . I was gratified to learn that they were pleasantly surprised at what they saw and experienced . In fact , several said it had been their best trip ever ! Aside from my months of planning for their journey , Kenya and Tanzania captured their hearts — as I knew they would .
After four safaris in East Africa , it was time to explore the southern countries . And , so , I planned what turned out to be a somewhat “ rough ” safari to Botswana . There were no tents with attached bathrooms . Instead , a short hike through the woods led us to the shower and toilet . The bamboo “ bathroom ” had no roof overhead , and there was an opening cut out , so one could watch animals on the plains during a shower . Our guide informed us that the teeth marks on the toilet seat were left by hyenas who sometimes came to drink the water — so , beware when turning the corner where the toilet sat .
We moved from one seasonal camp to another in small planes . My favorite recollections were flying beside the lady pilot in a 5-passenger Cessna . Little did I know that what appeared to be weeds covering the Okavango Delta below us was actually foliage beneath the water . The pure water of the delta allowed us to view everything below its surface . One afternoon , we tested the cold delta waters , and took a brief dip in a hippo path . Lucky for us , they were nowhere around .
“ I looked up at the black African sky , with its numerous stars sparkling like diamonds .”
Our final camp in Botswana offered a small canvas tent that was open to the sky . That evening , we learned that the odd structure was actually our shower . Camp hands heated water dispensed from a canvas bag affixed overhead and released from a shower head . I looked up at the black African sky , with its numerous stars sparkling like diamonds . The hot water cleansed the dust from me , and I was grateful for the amazing experiences — and adventures — that I was discovering for the first time .
Thankfully , in 2003 , I re-discovered Botswana , Namibia , and Zimbabwe with Overseas Adventure Travel . I now relaxed in luxury tents with indoor bathrooms , though I still preferred the private outdoor shower beside my tents . In East Africa , we traveled in minibuses with tops that popped up for game viewing . However , the safaris in the southern countries use fourwheel vehicles with open sides and a canopy overhead . Bench seats are on two levels , allowing for better game viewing — and more excitement . I still find the scenery in East Africa — Kenya , in particular — is more varied with its many lakes , elevated forest areas , and arid plains .
I recently watched Out of Africa . It reminds me of how far the “ safari ” countries have come , since my first trip in 1974 . I hadn ’ t realized it until my return in 1982 , that I had fallen in love with everything Africa . As we drove from the airport in Nairobi , and the fuchsia bougainvilleas lined the road , tears of joy rolled down my cheeks . Whenever I see movies or documentaries about Africa , it ’ s as though a steamroller is pressing on my chest . And sometimes , when I speak about my experiences , the words get caught in my throat , and my eyes well with tears . No other place I ’ ve visited around the world has this effect on me .
Africa is amazing — to interact with its people , to observe its wildlife in their natural habitat , and to enjoy the varied countryside is a precious gift . To really feel Africa is to know what paradise must be like . I wish the joy of experiencing Africa for everyone — at least once in a lifetime .
Botswana ’ s elephants are drawn to the abundant natural resources within Chobe National Park .
Left : Bonnie traveled aboard this 5-passenger Cessna on her first trip to Botswana in 1992 .
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