Moveable Feast
By Madilyn Amico
Madilyn is an O . A . T . staff writer and selfproclaimed foodie . When she isn ’ t reading or writing , you can find her trying new places in Boston for her favorite cuisine : Thai food .
Thai Green Papaya Salad
A culinary tradition that harmonizes the senses
Right : One of the most beloved dishes of all Southeast Asia , som tum offers a refreshing and unique fusion of ingredients .
Preparing som tum is often a community event where local women gather and savor the dish together .
Seek out a refreshing bowl of som tum on our Ancient Kingdoms : Thailand , Laos , Cambodia & Vietnam adventure .
Learn More
The history of Thai food presents a colorful tapestry that highlights the country ’ s diverse culinary heritage . At the heart of Thai cuisine lies the iconic dish known as “ som tum ,” or green papaya salad , which can be found in most street markets and kitchens around Thailand .
The culinary landscape of Thai food has been deeply influenced by various cultures over time . Thai cuisine began to develop its distinctive characteristics in the 13th and 14th centuries , borrowing elements from neighboring countries including China , India , and Malaysia . From the savory curries to the spicy stir-fries , every dish offers an exquisite balance of flavors , vibrant colors , and aromatic ingredients for a refreshing culinary experience .
The Dish that Keeps on Giving
Papaya salad has always been a favorite dish of Laos , Vietnam , and Cambodia ; however , the Thai version , som tum is one of the most beloved dishes of all Southeast Asia . Som tum features a revolving door of ingredients that harmonize the senses , featuring notes of sweetness from palm sugar , a spicy kick from Thai chiles , and saltiness from fish sauce as well as a sour tang from the lime and unripe papaya . The unripe papaya , which is shredded , serves as the foundation of this mouthwatering dish . This regional classic will truly tease your taste buds with its unique fusion of ingredients .
More Than a Meal
What makes som tum special is its versatility and familial preparation . Most often , som tum is prepared in a social setting where women gather and savor the dish together . In Laos , green papaya salad is commonly known as “ tum mak hoong ,” which literally translates to “ pounded papaya ” and uses slightly different ingredients , such as green eggplant and fish paste . But in all the same ways , som tum is carefully prepared with a mortar and pestle and is pounded together , adding a pleasant crunch while fusing each flavor for a wellbalanced meal .