Dispatches June 2023 | Page 32

Field Notes

Hooked on Paradise Falling in love with all things Africa

By Bonnie Mack , 7-time traveler from Clearwater , FL
Right : Botswana is home to roughly 130,000 elephants — the largest population in the world .

So often , over the 50-plus years since I began traveling the world , people have asked about my favorite destination . Of course , they were expecting to learn that it was somewhere in Europe . I cannot deny that I ’ ve enjoyed many cities , countries , and continents repeatedly . But when they hear my response , I receive a surprised look , as though I was standing naked before them . And then they blurt , “ AFRICA ??!!!”

Like my inquisitors , I had preconceptions about Africa before my initial visit in 1974 . I expected extreme heat , jungles , huge spiders , and snakes hiding in bushes waiting for me to pass by for a nip at my leg . Without a doubt , one will find all these things somewhere on the continent ; however , I can say that a lot depends on which country you visit , and in which season . I ’ ve explored eleven countries on fifteen trips , and have enjoyed them all , from north to south , and east to west . But the places I ’ d most recommend are Kenya and Tanzania in the east ; and in the south , Botswana , Namibia , Zimbabwe , Zambia , and South Africa , of course .
After the initial shock from my response , the next question is always , “ What do you like about Africa ?” “ What ’ s not to like ,” I respond .
In Kenya , I saw the beauty of God ’ s creations all around me , from the magnificent variety of animals , some of which are quite strange looking , to the endless landscape . Deep blue skies with fluffy white clouds hover overhead in Kenya ’ s Masai Mara reserve , while thorny , flat-topped acacia trees offer shade to a pride of lions during the hot afternoon sun . Tall , thin African men from the Maasai tribe approach our vehicle with wide smiles . They ’ re wrapped in colorful cloaks or blankets , carry a long spear , and wear beaded necklaces , bracelets , and headdresses . Aside from the varied and beautiful scenery dotted with incredible wildlife , it ’ s not until I interact with the friendly African people that I face the reality that I am , indeed , in a very different culture — I am in Africa !
The lakes of Baringo , Nakuru , and Naivasha are covered with thousands of pink flamingos . In a flash , hundreds of them take flight forming an umbrella of pink beneath the azure sky . In the early morning , the grass is covered with dew that twinkles in the sunshine , which casts its light on a sparkling spiderweb .
At the conclusion of my second safari in 1982 , I knew that I had to share “ my Africa ,” the reserves that I had now come to love , with