Cúpulas al ineterior de la Iglesia La Compañía, denotan
una belleza magna y armonía sin igual del arte barroco.
ntil the mid- sixteenth century Cathedral of Quito was
walls and thatch . Then began the present church Bishop
Arias Díaz García , and continued the next bishop, great
builder , Pedro Rodríguez de Aguayo.
A deep ravine running towards the back which prevented the edificase fronting the main square .
Then she lay all along its northern flank stone atrium . With the enthusiastic cooperation of neighbors and bringing stone Pichincha,
the work was completed between 1562 and 1565 . Later carved
altarpieces and pulpit was carved .
Then the temple was consecrated in 1572. However, all that we
can see today was being completed along the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. At the end of this century the dome which
cuts in half the atrium and circular staircase opens into the park,
which , with the name of the President of the audience did, is
known as the “temple of Carondelet “ was built.
Small domes and silhouettles Quito Cathedral in neoclassical style
in the dome worked and the cathedral choir - size Caspicara . On
the high altar stood the large canvas of the Virgin transit , Manuel
Samaniego. The Bernardo Rodriguez Samaniego own and painted
scenes from the life of Jesus in the spandrels of the arches. And
, between 1802 and 1803 , Bernardo Rodriguez worked the four
large canvases of the aisles : the miraculous catch , poor healing by St. Peter, Conversion of St. Paul and St. Paul bitten by a
Numerous precious treasures , in addition to these , is the Quito
Cathedral , so modest in appearance : the sculpture called “ The
Shroud of Turin “ , one of the most harmonious and intense musical Caspicara ; Immaculate Legarda , the group denial of St.
Peter , attributed to Father Carlos , the legendary artist who carved
the San Lucas in 1668 Cantuña ; canvas death of the Virgin, by
Miguel de Santiago , placed on the wall of the choir and the series
of portraits of bishops that adorns the walls of the room are the
chapter worth seeing .
Calles Espejo (Oe4-51), peatonal y García
Fecha de construcción:
1535 – 1565
probablemente Juan Rodríguez (1535), intervención del primer obispo García Díaz
Arias (1550) y el Vicario General el arcediano Pedro Rodríguez de Aguayo (1562
– 1565), constructor Alonso de Aguilar.
Fecha de reconstrucción:
1797 - 1832.
Culto, iglesia catedral, mausoleo del
Mariscal Sucre y otros personajes, cultura,
museo eclesiástico.