Discovering YOU Magazine September 2017 | Page 25


The Importance of Transformation

Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan

Change and growth seems to be of a strange language to many people. Is it because we are accustomed to compliancy or a rigid belief system? Could it be that change will make you different and that your influence would lose some power?

In the book of Romans 12 verse 2, it reads in the NIV, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. The reason I chose this scripture is because we are not tapping into the power that’s already available to us. The Holy Spirit has equipped us with ability to change.

Not only has God given us the ability to change, but He has also given us a desire. If this was not true, you would never change your clothes, hairdo or even your address. The reason I made that point so simple is because someone is rejecting growth. You think that nothing will ever get better. You’ve bottled your dreams and have placed them in someone else’s vision.

Many of us have projects that have not been completed. We’ve stopped because it required more knowledge, more time and more of God. Change and growth come with discipline. You’re probably thinking that you are not equipped with

"I hadn’t realized how far behind in the times I had gotten until I really took a look at the city of city of Detroit and its rapid growth."

this power but every man has the spirit of God in them. You may watch the Holy Spirit work in someone else’s life, but you will not accept the Holy Spirit moving in you. You need to step back to hear and feel your spiritual sense of connection and elevation. Growth and change is inevitable, it will happen whether you connect or not. Detroit is changing so fast, from one day to another you will see something different. I hadn’t realized how far behind in the times I had gotten until I really took a look at the city of city of Detroit and its rapid growth. My husband and I were going to a restaurant to have