Lama-Leah has a heart for the broken and hurting and is referred to as “young but wise”. She has blogged multiple times for the Dawson McAlister network as well as her own blog site, In addition, Lama enjoys writing about God’s appointed times and what they mean to her. To contact Lama-Leah, you can email her at [email protected].
My days as a dog handler are over for now and I am on different journeys. Recently I have been convicted about my thought processes when it comes to running the race of life with the intention of winning the prize. He has been leading me down new paths and I have had to walk completely by faith. I was given the assignment to be an entertainer (actress, singer, model) for the glory of God. Within this process, I have been pushed in ways that I have not before. I found myself being convicted of going to auditions with the mindset of, “God sent me here,” instead of, “God sent me here, and I am going to perform the absolute best that I can for His glory, working as if I am going to win the race.” He pointed out to me the flaw in my thinking because if I don’t have an end goal in mind as I have been called to this ministry, I am not going to go as far as I can for His glory. This also needs to be applied to everything that I do, whether it be when I am going to an audition or simply interacting with the cashier at my local grocery store. While these can be mundane tasks, when you are keeping the end goal of serving Christ in mind, you gain a completely different perspective.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” ~ Colossians 3:23-24, ESV
As believers, we are called to be set apart from the world (Romans 12: 2 - 4; Matthew 5: 15 - 16). Society tells us that we need to be living for something, whether it be for a career, relationship, or social status, but none of those goals will leave you truly fulfilled in the long run. We need to question what we are living for. It can be good to chase work but is that where you find your value? The Bible commands us to make disciples and baptize the nations. This life is a race, and the adversary will constantly be trying to lead us off the path of the Lord’s ways, therefore we need to be running the race with the intentions to compete for the prize.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:19-20, ESV
As always, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
With love,
Lama Leah
".... when you are keeping the end goal of serving Christ in mind, you gain a completely different perspective."