(Apostle Connie Foster is a certified Seminar and Workshop Facilitator and she is an anointed and appointed teacher and preacher of the Word of God. She and Bishop Foster's church, Harp of God Ministries, Inc. is located on 21406 Fenkell at the corner of Bentler between Evergreen and Lasher in Detroit, Michigan and their motto is: "Making Souls Whole" and they strongly believe that "Everyone is Somebody." You can send your correspondenses to PO Box 11361, Detroit Michigan 48201.)
have dinner, it had not been that long ago since we had eaten at this restaurant, but to our surprise when we arrived, the restaurant had closed and another building was being built in its place.
When there is time for change and growth, you do not find pleasure or satisfaction in your present state. You lose your motivation and whatever you do, fails. That’s when you know you’ve grown larger than your yesterday. Take a plunge into the future, exercise your faith and explore your options. Speak over your life daily and be ready. Prepare to complete what you’ve already started. It’s called finish. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12: 1).
Don’t allow your circumstances to disable your ambitions and, rob you of your will to bring change. We must make a difference or we will lose the keys to our future. We can gain back our inheritance by rising above the cut places. An injury happens but healing comes (Malachi 4: 2). God gives us dominion not levels. Giants, we must become and not remain grasshoppers. Let’s us as a nation move into the Promised Land, Canaan is the place, the land that flows with milk and honey. Change and Growth need a body .U.
"Don’t allow your circumstances to disable your ambitions and, rob you of your will to bring change. We must make a difference or we will lose the keys to our future."
"Take a plunge into the future, exercise your faith and explore your options. Speak over your life daily and be ready. Prepare to complete what you’ve already started. Its called finish."