Discovering YOU Magazine October 2019 Issue | Page 43


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prayerful and allowing God's spirit to teach us how to totally submit to the word of God, which is not always an easy task. God understands our nature because He created us and knows what makes us tick. He also understands the leverage we lost when Adam and Eve succumbed to sin in the Garden. Therefore, He came up with a remedy to fix it, but not without hard work on our parts. It takes renewing our minds, changing our way of thinking, subsequently, changing our way of acting.

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2, NASB).

Why does the woman have to be the one to honor and obey? She was told to do it because God wants to lead her to perfection taking her back to the Garden experience before the "fall of man" and bring His plan full circle. When the wife makes a decision to honor and obey her husband, then she gains back her position of true worship and love towards her Heavenly Father. If she can submit to God and obey God's word, then she can enjoy the intended purpose of marriage. To honor her husband as God instructed will bring peace and harmony to her home, the marriage bed, her children and above all her spiritual position. It is not asked of the woman because God is chauvinistic, it is asked of the woman because He loves unity and a true covenant cannot exist where there is strife and contention. Therefore, wives love, honor and obey your husbands and begin to enjoy God's best and realize just what He intended for your marriage from the very beginning.

"She was told to do it because God wants to lead her to perfection taking her back to the Garden experience before the "fall of man" and bring His plan full circle.... If she can submit to God and obey God's word, then she can enjoy the intended purpose of marriage. "