Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford
Honoring and Obeying
in Marriage
Do you wonder why so many women have a problem with that part of their vows that says, "honor and obey"? I was thinking about it and I begin to reflect on why this seems to be an issue with many women who want to be married but have issues with that part of the marriage covenant. Honor and obey----what is wrong with honoring and obeying? Well I believe I understand why many women have issues with it, but the reasons for it could very well be written into a book. Being that this is a magazine article, I will have to give the short version of the matter.
When most women hear the words "honor and obey", I do not think they understand what God's intentions were when He told us to do this (Ephesians 5:22). Because of the fall in the Garden of Eden, the woman began to be at odds with her mate and there was a struggle with authority because she succumbed to the will of Satan and not God (Genesis 3: 1 - 22). Therefore, after the fall, it did not come easy to a woman to submit, honor and obey her husband. In other words, she had to purpose in her heart to do it. She had to continuously stay in an attitude of humility to God first in order
to achieve this type of attitude towards her husband. God knew that it was no longer in a woman's nature to obey and honor her husband.
"...Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you", (Genesis 3: 16b, NKJV).
"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord", (Ephesians 5:22, NASB).
Think about it, doesn't God tell all His believers that He looks for our obedience to Him and when we are obedient to His word then through our actions, we honor Him? It is human nature to exert our own will and make demands for what pleases us. Acting contrary to this takes being
"Think about it, doesn't God tell all His believers that He looks for our obedience to Him and when we are obedient to His word then ...." through our actions, we honor Him?