"After enough failed relationships and poor choices, I decided that I was going to break old habits that were limiting me. I began to study my fears and intentionally change my behavior. I began to pray and meditate on the life I wanted, make plans to get it and I did it! I started to see immediate results and outcomes. My relationships, attitude and behavior improved. I reached out to my girlfriends to join me on this journey for healing and change. My girlfriends started joining me monthly in my home to share best practices and strategies. Together we empowered each other and held each other accountable on our individual goals.” ~ Minito.
Minito decided to extend these better practices to other women. She has developed two extensive workshops called Fearless Narratives and Understanding Your Why. These workshops help attendees connect their core beliefs, external desires and natural talents to live a purpose-driven life. Through her workshops, attendees will be able to create sustainable strategies to maximize their full potential personally and professionally.
"After I made the commitment, I wrote it down and made it accessible and visible
to read daily."
“I like to emphasize to women that you will not have sustainable outcomes until you truly decide to make the commitment to do the work. I thought that God would do all the work and would give me a break because I struggled enough. However, I had to learn the true meaning of faith without works is dead. "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?" James 2:14 New International Version (NIV).
The biggest challenge I had to learn, that changed the trajectory of my life, was making the decision to do it. I intellectually understood what that meant, but I based my decisions on my feelings. My feelings
"I thought that God would do all the work and would give me a break because I struggled enough."