Have you looked over the situation? Half of all marriages end in divorce, even among Born again believers! Drug use in middle school students is on the rise, the average age of sexual activity is ages 11-12, and teen pregnancy is an epidemic. The average age of teen suicide is age 15 since children see hopelessness and sins of violence, rape, adultery, drug use and vulgar language on media devices and TV.
What kind of nation will be left for future generations? Will we settle for a place where the slaughter of millions of unborn children is accepted or a country that denies born again believer’s the right to public display of faith? Its time to roll up our sleeves, put on our gloves and FIGHT FOR OUR FAMILIES! Nehemiah saw torn down walls in need of repair. To make a long story short, with God’s enabling, he was able to rebuild that wall in 52 days, by challenging fathers and mothers to fight for their children and homes. More important than the rebuilding of the walls was people renewing their faith in God. Its why together with God’s help they were able to rebuild the walls in 52 days. Just like Nehemiah and those who heeded his challenge here, you too can rebuild the wall of morality, the wall of spirituality, the wall of potentiality at your house…(as you secondly):
Today the #1 fear of Christian parents and grandparents is that their family will not grab their values, their morals, their faith. There’s a fear that culture will entice and seize our kids, forcing them to make choices and pay the consequences
of a worldly value system that leads them down the broad path to the wrong eternal house. We truly need revival in America, in our homes and churches!
There’s a cause worth fighting for, a conviction worth stating, an eternal purpose worth claiming! Be mindful that we have an awesome God and the Bible promises that, “No weapon formed against us will prosper.” Build the wall at your house and build the foundation of thought and spiritual conduct of all in your house upon the Rock Jesus! Everybody is busy with daily commitments but TELL your family “I Fought for You” as you stay in their business, stay in their lives. If correction is in order, stand up and make that correction. Show your family “I Fought for You” as you Fight with love for your family, believing love covers a multitude of sins. Make priority for your Family and stay alert to the dangers and distractions of life, keeping your family in the Word of God and in the House of God!
Guard your children, spouse, relatives and loved ones as Neh. 4 says here. A guardian is one who protects and guards. We stand guard against millions of filthy porn sites on the internet and the ungodly fashion of the secular world. We stand guard against the devil’s secular music which is the counterfeit of true worship. We stand guard against the thousands of predators and sex offenders of our land.
Let’s Stand Up as Defenders for our families! Moses fought and delivered families of His day from bondage! Noah