Discovering YOU Magazine June 2019 Issue | Page 46


Listen to "The Reckless Love of God" song by Cory Asbury and listen to the wonderful testimony he shares as you read Pastor's Nissley's wonderful article.

protected his family from the flood! Jacob fought with Laban to win his family! Joseph provided for his family during famine! David killed giants preserving his brother’s lives! Men and woman down through time fought for their families, their country, their church, their God…and its time we do the same and defend the HOME!

Let’s Fight as Champions for our families! A champion is a role model, the best because of their experience. Champions know how to aim at and hit their targets. Champions don’t back down. We must fight against the blessing blockers the devil places in our family’s path. Only God knows the great victories a child gets from hearing their parents pray!

"God’s call for Enlistment is going out! Open your mouth and say YES to God. Pray a sincere prayer that reaches heaven, touches the heart of God, and releases His intervention in even the hardest of heart! Pray by name for every person in your house! Pray aloud to the ONE able to restore and redeem all at your house!

"Come and be uplifted, inspired, and transformed by the POWER of God at New Hope Assembly

of God"

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