Planning for the Days Beyond the Wedding.
Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford
Here comes the bride all dressed in white…. yes, that is how the song starts off and she is part of a lavish occasion that she probably took six months to a year to plan. She spared no expenses, and of course everything had to be perfect right down to the little flower girl’s hair. This was her dream come true that she had pictured in her mind since she was old enough to understand that boys and girls grow up and get married. She had great expectations for her wedding day and planned her wedding right down to the last detail.
Wow, what an event. These are the words that play over and over in her guests’ minds. Wasn’t she a lovely bride and wasn’t that dress magnificent? She spent well over $10,000.00 for the wedding and now a week later reality sets in and she sits at the foot of her bed wondering what’s next. This scenario is so familiar because like so many, she did not have too many, if any, expectations for the rest of her life with this man or him with her. I guess whatever happens from then on will be okay. Let’s just go with the flow. Unfortunately, this is how most married people live their lives---with little or no expectation for the days to come. While
they were projecting big expectations for this lavish wedding, they forgot to include expectations for the actual marriage.
Oh, the marriage---yeah the part that is supposed to last for the rest of your life (Genesis 2: 24). You spent your life savings on a day, but what about a house? What about living expenses? Are you planning for children? These are the areas that that little girl should have been dreaming about. She should have had an expectation to have a good marriage with a good man. She should have had expectations for owning a home one day and planning a life with her spouse. Okay, she was just a little girl, and they do not think about those things, but what about when they are old enough to think about it?
"Because there were not expectations (a wish with confidence of fulfillment), we are left with two unfulfilled and unhappy people."