I had in my life (I had a lot of uncles, seven). I never try to make them take my father’s role in my life, I allowed God to be my heavenly father.
Even though I may look at this world and think it’s hopeless without a lot of strong male and female roles models that represent God, there is a heavenly father. Even though many may have lived without one or both parents, God makes up the difference. Having a strong relationship with God can help someone who lost their father, or never had one in their lives.
Fathers are to deny themselves (selfless), live sacrificially, and lead with a servant’s hearts. They are the foundation; God made Adam first. I am not putting men on a pedestal but they are just as important as women. If society exclude them and make them feel unimportant then they would not feel valued. Both parents play an equal and important part in society.
"Fathers are to deny themselves (selfless), live sacrificially, and lead with a servant’s hearts. They are the foundation; God made Adam first. "
"My own father was not present in my life as well. (However I hear from him from time to time, a text message or I visit on holidays or other occasions)."
Francine Houston is the author of "Lupus Journey" and she has a number of businesses: Cineik Media, FH DESIGNS , and It Works. Francine is also a graduate of School of the Bible 2 (2013 ).
Email Francine at [email protected].