I strongly believe that while we are planning for that big day, we should plan on the big days that are to come ahead. What kind of marriage do you anticipate having and what will be your role to see it come to fruition? Will you plan to buy a home or will you be content renting at first and buy property later? Will you work outside of the home or is your husband going to be the sole provider? Also, while you were working with the wedding planner were you planning on working on some of those character and personality flaws that can interfere with having a happy and successful marriage?
Marriage takes hard work, but working on the marriage is hardly happening for many couples. Because there were not expectations (a wish with confidence of fulfillment), we are left with two unfulfilled and unhappy people. Therefore, allow me to give advice to anyone planning an upcoming wedding.
• Take some time to write an expectation life plan for your marriage. You and your fiancé’ should discuss in detail what one expects from the other and before the wedding day begin to work on making sure those expectations are realistic and things that both of you are willing to fulfill.
• Take out the time to seek pre-marriage counseling to help you look at what you are actually walking into.
• Talk to mature couples who have a good marriage; and emulate them.
"Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established (Proverbs 4: 26, KJV)."
• Surround yourself with people who will commit to stand and pray for the success of your marriage.
• Lastly, confess and have expectations to have a great marriage, and work on it.
Remember, a marriage should be blissful for a lifetime not just a day.
Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established (Proverbs 4: 26, KJV).