Discovering YOU Magazine June 2017 Issue | Page 30



Article by Apostle Connie Foster

Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan

June is the most popular month for graduation, promotions, ceremonies and celebrations. These are usually recognized by a ceremony called The Commencement. With this ceremony, it has a date and a speech. So I will date this as TODAY. God has contracted this day TODAY as a new beginning, the start of a new venture or chapter in life. As I always say, please turn the page so we can see what the end is going to be. After all there is no need of putting your life on hold. I clearly see this as a traffic jam. God is trying to move us forward and we are just standing still. Sometimes it just takes a good old push and a good old pull by the strengths of failures.

Experiencing fears of falling, yet realizing that falling has a way of getting us up. Not that falling is always necessary but it sure seems like it plays a major part in our success. Because change is inevitable and everything has its season and cycle, life has an amazing effect on building character that causes us to bow. So we play these theoretical roles as if this particular time of our life is only scene two. The truth of the matter according to the Holy Scriptures is we are living in the last days and perilous times

will come. For men would be lovers of themselves and lovers of money (2 Timothy 3).

Here is where our challenges come in. Our souls are now looking for a place of rest and comfort that only the Holy Spirit can provide. So if you are disconnected from your Creator, our Heavenly Father then you are left out in the rain only to defend for yourself. But those that are in Christ have an advantage over the adversary which at this time can dictate

"....if you are disconnected from your Creator, our Heavenly Father then you are left out in the rain only to

defend for yourself. "