your outcome and whether you would be able to graduate or repeat the course.
Advancement or promotion is a must and no one will be left behind. So if your brothers or sisters need to help you with your assignment or exams, please ask if you will. It’s pertinent that you express who you are and what your current needs are because you are an asset to the kingdom of God. Don’t leave your life on a pause, put it in drive and set your navigator to the next destination. Every time you need gas and oil, stop by your local assembly of worship and get a fill up with full service. We will embrace this change, this advancement and this new journey. After all that we’ve been through, we’ve learned that we can do all things through Christ that has given us the strength (Philippians 4: 13).
So today I salute you for your strength, for your courage and for your stead-fastness. We will have faith in God and say to whatever mountain that stands in our way, “be thou removed” (St. Mark 11: 23). We will always have prayer as our answer and not as our option. And as long as we have a good strong relationship with God, our time will not be wasted and our years will be redeemed. I’m leaving you with these decrees and I declare that with the help of an Almighty God, you are unstoppable.
The Decrees
WE decree by the POWER of the Holy Ghost and of the opened Heaven, that greatness in OUR life and OUR household shall be resurrected and made manifest, in the name of JESUS.
1. WE declare and decree that every move the enemy makes against US will be reversed with POWERFUL BREAK-THROUGHS.
2. WE declare and decree that the OIL OF GLADNESS that the Lord has assigned to OUR heads shall not run dry.
3. WE declare and decree that OUR mouth shall speak as the Living Oracles of God and AWESOME MIRACLES SHALL MANIFEST.
4. WE declare and decree that every day of OUR lives is CROWNED WITH THE BOUNTIFUL GOODNESS OF GOD.
5. WE declare and decree that every power that does not want joy and happiness in OUR lives and OUR households shall BE SCATTERED.
6. WE declare and decree that any ORDAINED BLESSING that the enemy has stolen shall BE RESTORED FULLY and with a Sevenfold increase this year 2017.