Discovering YOU Magazine June 2017 Issue | Page 29

• If God told you to go to the casino tomorrow to witness, would you be open and willing to go?

• Would you be able to find the strength to defeat any doubts that you may have about witnessing?

• When the Holy Spirit tells you to go into a jungle, will you act as Jonah did and run from God? Or would you act in obedience and run towards the Lord?

Being aware and listening to the Holy Spirit is crucial within the Christian journey; although at times you may not understand in the moment where He is taking you. Let me assure you that wherever God is sending you to go, He has an exact plan and purpose for you.

Stay faithful, and remember that you are Beloved ~ Lama Leah


your heart. I often times struggle to simply move to where the Holy Spirit is taking me. I believed the lie that I must have my life completely put together before I can witness. I believe that my past is too rough to help lead some to Christ. But when I give every doubt and insecurity to GOD and witness to whoever He is leading me to, amazing things can happen. Often times, I am led to share different parts of my testimony. In some circumstances, I can feel uncomfortable because I am generally not one who is open about my past, but through the years I have discovered that there is POWER and beauty in the messes and brokenness. If I could go into the past, I would not change anything about my life because everything that I have gone through serves a purpose. I refuse to live in regret but see everything that I have done, either wise or foolish as a learning opportunity.

".... when I give every doubt and insecurity to GOD and witness to whoever He is leading me to, amazing things can happen."

Lama-Leah has a heart for the broken and hurting and is referred to as “young but wise”. She has blogged multiple times for the Dawson McAlister network as well as her own blog site, In addition, Lama enjoys writing about God’s appointed times and what they mean to her. To contact Lama-Leah, you can email her at [email protected].